Monday, August 6, 2012

Tenacious Timothy

We haven't heard anything official about the "seizure" event yesterday.  However, he has been talking more nonsense than usual.  He told Aunt Beth today that he saw King Arthur and Queen Elizabeth.  He also was cognizant that we didn't believe him when Beth told us.  He kept telling us, "It was real.  It happened."  He also slipped a few fantasy themes in his conversation that sounded like his favorite books.  He's been in a lot of pain and his most used word is "ow."  Sometimes its his head, others his back, ribs, nose, and then sometimes he throws in a place of pain he hadn't mentioned before.  He was pretty banged up.
Saturday, he loved sitting in this chair even with the slight amount of discomfort he felt (I'm comparing this to what he felt today).  He does NOT like his chair anymore.  He was pleading to get back into his bed.  His back and his ribs really hurt while in his chair, but sitting upright is the best thing for his lungs.
 He got to eat some food today!  He had a little bit of ice cream, pudding, milk, and jello.  I don't know what else was on his plate.
 The top of his head was itching and  he kept fiddling with his restraints because he knew exactly where it itched.  Dad did a pretty good job after a while and Tim stopped complaining that he himself knew precisely where it itched and he should be allowed to scratch it.  Sadly, he deludes himself into a "rational" frame of mind that makes sense for him to take wires and tubes out of important places.  I don't blame him.  They don't look comfortable.  Dad was telling him to stop messing with the restraints and he liked to retort, "too late."
 Aha!  The receipt will tell us what all of that is.  Red berry juice of some kind, vanilla ice cream, green jello, vanilla pudding and cream of chicken soup.
 Tim developed a fever this morning.  He said he was cold and very much disliked that fan.  The nurse was trying to help him cool down.  But Tim did not like it.  His limbs were very cold and his forehead was quite warm.  He was miserable.  Before Dad and I came in from visiting Mom, he told Beth that he didn't think he was going to make it.  She was very encouraging.  That was his first sign of yielding of any sort on his part.  He has been quite tenacious, thinking he could get up and walk when Mom did, thinking he should help out in the kitchen, and being quite determined that he was right in the mind.
Finally getting back into his beloved bed where is in slightly less pain than the chair.
Queen Elisabeth, King Arthur, and Timothy
Contemplating Jail Break
New room in the ICU

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