Thursday, August 9, 2012

Pain and Perception

Timothy had a really rough night last night.  He was in a lot of pain, the IVs were irritating him, everything he was attached to bothered him in some way and he felt like everyone hated him and was out to get him.  He went so far as to bring his toes up to his bound wrists in an attempt to undo them.  And he succeeded!  The nurse attending him that night put "security" mittens on him and socks on his feet so that wouldn't be possible.  Think again!  He got the mittens and the socks off and had his toes underneath the wrist restraints where his IV's were, but he was caught just in time.  They wrapped up his needles with gauze and that rubber tape material they use to keep the gauze in place when you give blood so he couldn't access them.  Then they restrained his ankles as well.  What a Houdini!

Later that night, he was yelling and screaming at us (Dad and I) because he was so frustrated.  He thought he was dreaming.  He thought we weren't real and only what he thought rational was the thing to do.  My dad tried to talk some sense with him, but Tim came up with a great but difficult retort: "Should I follow my own internal directions or follow someone who could turn out not to be real?"  He kept asking us to take off his restraints and when we refused he would give us a "Timothy-rational" reason why we should or say "Why not?" in a very painful voice.  It was hard to seem him so frustrated and in so much pain.

Timothy had his chest tube taken out this morning.  This afternoon the physical therapist said he is just waiting for the doctor to give the word and they will have him moving around.  I don't know if that means walking with a walker, learning how to work a wheelchair, or something else that involves him not bearing any weight on his left leg.  But the physical therapist he had today was really good with him and knew exactly how to talk and work with Tim.  Timothy was in a better mood this afternoon too.  He wasn't nearly so agitated as last night.  Next time that happens (cross your fingers it won't) we'll try some music; maybe some hymns, primary songs, or classical pieces he's played on the violin will help him remain calm.

Mom is doing well at home.  She's very relieved to be home, but she, being the woman she is, feels a need to have a job/chore/task and to be doing something useful.  I don't exactly know how dexterous she is with her hands at this point, but I'll talk with the occupational therapist tomorrow to see what we can get her doing so she doesn't feel so useless.  Even if its something like making jewelry, a hobby of hers, to keep her mind off of her present state.  We'll see how that goes.

We have her set up in the family room with a bed so we can keep a good eye on her.  Its close to the comfortable chairs, the kitchen, the bathroom, everything she needs to access and where most of the family cross paths.  She'll always have someone by her to take care of her.  I'm sleeping on the couch right next to her through the night.  Hopefully this set up won't last long and she'll become competent enough to have an opinion of her own.  It's good to have such a close eye on her, though.  We love our Mom and are very grateful to have her back home.
This is after he first removed a line with his toes, but before he got the "security mittems" and tried to go after his IVs a second time so his ankles aren't restrained.  Sidenote: Tim asks all of his nurses (female) how old they are.  Either they are flattered with his guesses, think he's flirting, or jokingly (or maybe not so jokingly) tell him off for asking women their age.  I think he's only had the one male nurse in the ICU, and he mixes him up with Alan.  I don't think he's ever asked him about his age. 
"Pokemon are real."
"Nope, I'm not awake. I know this must sound strange to you guys but its true."
"Pinches don't wake people up."
"Movies aren't real life."
"What if we touch you, do you think we're real?" "You'd be real to my tactile mind."
"Reality keeps on changing."
Monte=No clue
Hopefully Tim doesn't ever remember the accident.
"Oh, not you too?!"
Grampa singing to Tim. Now we have both songs on video.  :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Becky - It's me, Julie Franks Mortensen. Please send me an email message to, if you get a minute. I would like to get in contact with you to see how you are doing. I've been thinking so much about you, your mom, Timothy and the rest of your family since my mom told me about the car accident. Love Julie FM
