Tuesday, August 21, 2012

CT scan

Hey all! I'm home now!

So earlier today, one of my right ribs started to hurt, even though it was just my left side that got injured, so when I told my doctor, he was worried that I might have gotten a clot in my right lung, the same thing that I've been getting shots in the belly every day to avoid, so he scheduled a CT scan to find out. The nurse came in and put a new IV in my right arm, so that the people at the scanner could do something, and later I got wheeled down to the scanners. The IV was for some marking fluid to get into my lung so they could detect anything, and I was supposed to hold my breath at times to make sure the fluid got to the right place. when the results came back, it turned out that I didn't have a clot in my lung, but I did have some nodules in it. If I was a 40-year old smoker, that would have gotten them worried, but since I'm a 17- year old non-smoker, they think that it's just post traumatic. With those results they also got some things about my fractures: that my ribs are healing, and that ribs 2-12 are fractured in the back, and ribs 3, 5, and 7 are fractured elsewhere as well. I also found out that with the two fractures on my pelvis, I also fractured my sacrum, or my tailbone.

It's been good to talk to you guys!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Tim, it's good to be talked to by you; that shows real progress on this journey! Hope things are going well for you at home and I'll see you soon.
